Kevin Carrel Footer


Self-portrait / Kevin Carrel Footer


I was born luminous
And remember the light
That burned within

But one day that light
Was snuffed out
Left to smoulder

Now there are so many things
I would like to believe
But can’t

It is in the darkness 
Sadly, that I find 
The lasting truths

Do not be afraid of the dark
The darkness nourishes
Grounds us in our plight

In my desperation
I have imagined the light
Over and over

I yearn to be suffused
And penetrated
By this thing I lost

Out of my darkness
From the embers
I can forge that light
Those of us 
Who live with shadows
Know how much is at stake

I can see
I can dance
I can say

It is from our darkness
That we will make this new light

- Kevin Carrel Footer / 2024


3 responses to “Resurrection”

  1. Ginny Felch Avatar
    Ginny Felch

    Ahhh dear Kevin. Thank you for opening your heart. I can so relate. Sending you much love.

  2. Timothy Martin Avatar
    Timothy Martin

    This is a powerful message on the human condition, as the wheel of time turns. Thanks for a welcome moment of poignant beauty.

  3. Silvia Avatar

    Hermosos versos y el autorretrato!

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